Diana: It is back to our shining faces! Though, you'll see we're still in the kitchen but rocking the crock pot since I had class tonight.
Friday, January 30, 2009
Thursday, January 29, 2009
January 28
Diana: We've been stretching it here this week but I promise I'll get back to us very soon! It's not only nice to be eating at home, it's nice to be cooking at home.
Josh: Diana is too kind to point out that today was pretty much my fault, on the not getting a picture of us together tip. I was so busy playing catch-up from the trip that I may not have been presentable all day long.
January 27th
Diana: It's nice to be eating at home again. And please don't mind that we're eating off my "dessert" plates as I <3>
Josh: Believe it or not, store-bought, pre-cooked edamame is not bad at all.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
January 25
Diana: Sunday, we're driving and only driving. Today you only get to see Swash the Can Bear. (Ignore that he is a tiger!)
Josh: Sunday was the day the trip officially ended and all we had left was a desire to be home. You can't always pinpoint when that happens, but this time we could.
January 24
Diana: This day we stopped at the beach on the way home. What a glorious week we had!
Josh: We made it with about fifteen minutes to spare, before we lost the sun over the horizon. In some ways, this was my favorite part of the trip.
Friday, January 23, 2009
January 22
Diana: Today we decided to spend a little time in Savannah, GA. It is one of those places that you feel the need to come back to.
Josh: When we were walking around, I told Diana that if I ever make it big as a writer, I would like to come back to the Old South and write something. Savannah would do just fine.
January 23
Diana: Today we were tourists in Orlando. It was sort of a welcome break from all the history. :P
Josh: Two Words: Manatee. Rescue.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
January 21
Diana: Last night we were so exhausted I forgot to take a picture of us. This is the view of the street next to The Olde Harbour Inn where we are staying in Savannah, GA.
Josh: Our room has a cool journal written in by past occupants and also has sketchy internet access. Oh, and delicious grapefruit juice.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
January 20
Diana: Bundled for the Inauguration. I'm happy to report that I knit two of my warmies that I'm wearing!
Josh: It isn't every day you get to actively participate in world history, but this was one of those days.
January 19
Diana: Things have been busy and hectic this trip! So we are behind on posting, but there were pictures!
Josh: It was very cold in Washington, but it was gratifying to finally be there. Diana had to pull sweet ninja moves to get me on the train before sundown.
Sunday, January 18, 2009
January 18th at the Replica Parthenon
Diana: Today we spent most of the day on the road. First though we made a quick stop at this full scale replica of the Parthenon built for the 1897 Centennial Exposition.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
January 17th
Diana: Today was the first leg of our journey to Barack Obama's Inauguration in Washington, DC. We stopped in for our second (and very quick) visit to Clinton's Presidential Library in Little Rock, AR. (Thank goodness for tripods!)
Josh: We're in Nashville for the night. Now to find a good bar...
Friday, January 16, 2009
January 16th
Diana: Today was preparation. Tomorrow the road!
Josh: Tomorrow we begin a great adventure. This photo shows you one of the ways I've been preparing.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
January 15th
Diana: Tonight is our last night with the dogs for what will be over a week. I've never been away from them for that long. (Brutus was licking my hand when this picture was being snapped.)
Josh: To be fair, the dogs are going to Super Grandma Funland Party, which they always adore. Let's hope they behave for my mom.
January 14th
Diana:We've been getting to bed early this week in anticipation of our big trip. (And the animals like it.)
Josh: We're gearing up for our big trip cross country. Also, let me just say that John Steinbeck is so good it is hard to fathom.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
January 13th
Diana: I feel the last of the quiet, lazy evenings on the couch approaching with the Spring semester. I suppose I'll be snapping photos of myself constantly reading soon enough.
Josh: Vash tried to get in this picture. He was thwarted.
Monday, January 12, 2009
January 12th
Diana: Tonight we settled into our comfys and some Jack.
Josh: I am categorically opposed to all torture not administered by Jack Bauer.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
January 11th
Diana: Today I spent a lot of time in the kitchen. First scrubbing it clean and then making a fun meal to share with my family that visited today.
Josh: We planned out a rough sketch of our road trip route today. I also tried to mitigate some work in what will be a very busy week.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
January 10th
Diana: On this Saturday night, Josh will be hitting the town and I will be hitting the couch.
Josh: For various broings on, I have suited up.
Friday, January 9, 2009
January 9th
Diana: Some days aren't meant for posing. Kudos to Josh today for a major accomplishment!
Josh: Today I sold a story - a road story. (For decent money!)
Thursday, January 8, 2009
January 8th
Diana: Today is the kind of day that you end with a full sigh. Full, because by the end of the long day you have the kind of friends that we do who replenish and fill you up.
Josh: Dave and I made plans for some broings about town. I'm pumped.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
January 7th
Diana: All I can really concentrate on right now is the upcoming inauguration. From the historical (I'll be standing on the mall!) to the flippant (what is chic, comfortable and warm?).
Josh: I had a really excellent day. Molly got a bath.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
January 6th
Diana: We're back! I thought we'd better get a jump on today and so we took our photo on my lunch break with the pupsters.
Josh: You may notice I look slightly perturbed here. That's because I had just discovered the tattered remnants of one of my Christmas presents, all that was left after Molly ate it.
January 5th
Diana: This was the only photo I took yesterday and it's not of us, but I think it captures how we felt. Tired but not broken under a fleeting weight and then we fell alseep on the couch by 8:30pm.
Josh: I think this is a great picture, and it captures the day. Otherwise it would just be a picture of me in pajama pants passed out in a spaghetti coma.
Monday, January 5, 2009
January 4th
Diana: I think I jinxed us yesterday! But, Josh says its not the next day till you go to bed.
Josh: I've always been that way. And look where it's gotten me!
Saturday, January 3, 2009
January 3rd
Diana: I'm already wondering how often we might forget to take our own photo, or how long it will take for this to become commonplace.
Josh: Today was a good day. Diana went out with friends in the real world and I went out with friends in the not real world.
Friday, January 2, 2009
January 2nd
Diana: There was much lounging today followed by a movie and a drink with friends. Here's to a year of ripe fruit!
Josh: Valkyrie wasn't as bad as everyone said it was - I liked it. Also, today I helped Dave get his new XBox on the internet, and figured it out after I thought I wasn't going to be able to fix it.
(Many thanks to our friend Keri for the photo!)
Thursday, January 1, 2009
New Year's Day
Diana: Today is New Year's Day 2009 and I spent the day doing my favorite things: Reading, Knitting, Cooking, Shopping, and most importantly spending time with Josh. I hope this is how the rest of my year will be, peaceful and fulfilling.
Josh: Diana made some bomb-ass black-eyed peas, which were delicious. I had to work today (the vagaries of UK bank holidays strike again) but I got to write, enjoy some fine entertainment, and be with Diana.
(Not shown: a hilarious picture where Molly dolphasaured us when we were trying to take a picture on the couch.)