Wednesday, February 25, 2009

February 25th

February 25th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today we hit the gym for the first time in a couple of years. My doctor says I can't gain anymore weight!

Josh: I enjoyed myself. Tomorrow I'm playing basketball with Dave.

February 24th

February 24th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Its Mardi Gras! Hope you enjoyed Obama's first address to Congress!

Josh: Bobby Jindal == lolz.

Monday, February 23, 2009

February 23rd

February 23rd, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today was an amazing day. Ignore the messy kitchen. :P

Josh: I expected more of my grey hairs to show up in this one.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

February 22nd

February 22nd, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today we spent most of the day relaxing with the animals. Look at how happy Molly is. :)

Josh: This picture is basically the best.

February 21st

February 21st, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Tonight we got dressed up and celebrated our friend Dave's birthday. Here, we are being our goofy selves. :)

Josh: In retrospect, I'm afraid I look a little like David Van Os in this picture.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

February 20th

February 20th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Josh went out and got us Kolaches and Donuts this morning, our last weekday morning lounging together. Then, since I finally felt well enough I went out and spent my birthday money and got my newest prints framed! Yay!

Josh: Those prints are like a gift for both of us. This was a good day.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

February 19th

February 19th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today I was checking out some documentaries that finally came in the mail and then had class. We got out early so Josh and I mixed some drinks and made a pizza, yum!

Josh: Today was a good day. And now I'm street fighting.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

February 18th

February 18th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: I've been on the couch for days but spent part of today checking in with my doctor on the baby "arms race" we've engaged in.

Josh: We're "blockading" "Cuba".

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

February 14th

February 14th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Happy Valentine's everyone! We were off to visit Josh's mom today for her belated birthday celebration.

Josh: That's a beautiful picture, and I got to hang out with two beautiful ladies today.

February 15th-17th

Diana: Hello three dear readers! We're off because Josh and I have some kind of flu like head cold that has made us rather unphotogenic! We're on the mend so I hope we'll back tomorrow! <3

February 13th

February 13th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Most days I am up and dressed long before Josh, this usually means we have to take our 365 after the curl has long fallen out of my hair.

Josh: That is one of my favorite sweaters.

February 12th

February 12th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Tonight I had class. We look tired for being so lazy all week!

Josh: I am forever taking pictures in which my eyes look closed but aren't, because they are naturally sort of narrow to begin with. So after a few of those I always try to open my eyes wider and I end up looking crazy and / or surprised. Like this.

February 11th

February 11th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: I'm on leave from work before I start my new job. Mostly I just read all day, which was incredible!

Josh: I like having Diana at home during the week when it is possible.

February 10th

February 10th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: I forgot that we did snap a quick photo of ourselves before stepping out into the downpour!

Josh: I did not look as good on the other side of that storm. I still looked good, of course, just not as good.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

February 10th

February 10th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today was my actual birthday, lots of fun, some squashed cupcakes and dinner with friends. And, can't you just hear Vash... "Happy Birthday Mom, we can open the cabinets for ourselves now!"

Josh: There were some scary storms, but it did not deter us from the pub.

February 9th

February 9th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today we were off to fight book banning at our old high school.

Josh: The meeting was pretty intense. I wrote a column about it.

February 8th

February 8th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today we celebrated my birthday with my family. Josh is photographing. <3

Josh: I always enjoy it when Diana's family comes to visit.

February 7th

February 7th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today was my birthday party. It was a HUGE success, just check out my new shoes for proof!

Josh: This was a very happy day. There are lots of great pictures of it, too.

February 6th

February 6th, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: We took a week long hiatus due to massive drama in our week. But now we're back, this night we saw Coraline in 3D!

Josh: Coraline was a great movie, even if you are a jerk wad.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

January 31

January 31, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Today we spent all day cleaning house. Getting to all the places you like to forget about, like behind all the books on the shelf. :)

Josh: We are trying to take a picture CATS STOP FIGHTING this will look nice on the interBAVA STOP BITING

January 30

January 30, originally uploaded by jberthume.

Diana: Tonight was a fun Friday. We had a little date night and met at the movies after work.

Josh: Taken is not fine cinema, but it is enjoyable on multiple levels.